Thursday, September 1, 2011

last week in pictures

My host sister Suzanne and I. Funny that when I first arrived Suzanne would barely come near me, let alone look me in the eye. So very glad that phase is long gone!

Next 3 pictures are of a wedding I went to last weekend. The first two were taken in the groom's family's courtyard. Since weddings are such big events here, lots of women from the church come to help cook. The first picture is the first time I've ever seen anything remotely resembling a cutting board. They're chopping up frozen fish. The second picture displays one of the many skills Ivorian women have. The third picture is of the groom and his party walking down the aisle at Koko church.

Getting ready for church on Sunday morning! The boys obviously don't have much to do since they're playing soccer in the background. Madeline, the family hair dresser, is doing Suzanne's hair.

Naomi, Heidi, Alyssa, and Jason made my birthday absolutely fantastic. We hiked to the top of Mt. Korhogo and checked out the view of our 'ville.' Some of the things I love the most: being outside, great views at the top, and friends so close they might as well be family.


  1. I knew you were the one with your head up someone's shirt immediately. Hahahahha!! Gosh, I miss you so much!

  2. Great pictures!! I remember you talking about your host sister in another blog. I'm glad she has gotten close to you now.
