JourneyCorps Outcomes:
Lovers of Jesus • Life long learners • Servant Leaders
Lovers of Jesus • Life long learners • Servant Leaders
Discover your Calling and next steps
Fall in Love with Ivoirians • Gain Hands-on Experience
Fall in Love with Ivoirians • Gain Hands-on Experience

Où (Where): Côte d’Ivoire (aka Ivory Coast)
Fast Facts
-Located in Western Africa; it’s a little bigger than New Mexico. .
-French Colony until 1960 and French is the official language.
-Civil War in 2002, currently there is a unity government
-Literacy rate: 48.7% total (60.8% men and 38.6% women)
-Life Expectancy: male-55.27 years, female- 57.13 years
-Religion: Muslim 38.6%, Christian 32.8%, indigenous 11.9% (from the CIA WorldFactbook)
How did I end up with JourneyCorps?
At the beginning of my senior year, I was praying about what life after college would bring, I knew that I didn't want to go straight into grad school. I basically said to God 'it would be really cool if I could end up in a country in Africa, that also spoke french, where I could serve.' And then eventually, JourneyCorps showed up. Seems like a perfect fit for me. Lots of ways to serve, in Cote d'Ivoire, and aimed to help the journeyer learn where God is leading. In my last post I explain in more detail WHY I've decided to go.